Home / Blog / We have two cocoa suppliers – YACAO, which provides our cocoa and cacao powders and Luker Chocolate – which supplies our chocolate chips and cacao nibs, and both are committed to fair trade standards and helping to improve the lives of farming communities.

We have two cocoa suppliers – YACAO, which provides our cocoa and cacao powders and Luker Chocolate – which supplies our chocolate chips and cacao nibs, and both are committed to fair trade standards and helping to improve the lives of farming communities.

We have two cocoa suppliers – YACAO, which provides our cocoa and cacao powders and Luker Chocolate - which supplies our chocolate chips and cacao nibs, and both are committed to fair trade standards and helping to improve the lives of farming communities. Casa Luker helps to train farmers in good agricultural practices and supports them in improving the soil, protecting water sources and responsible agroforestry. Casa Luker is also involved in reforestation work and has, so far, funded the planting of 600,000 new trees.

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